


BSW计划旨在教育未来的社会工作者成为具有批判性和创造性的公民. We frame issues in 社会 work and the larger culture in a manner that 的地方s:

  • 社会
  • 种族
  • 性别
  • 经济
  • 以及气候正义 

as primary lenses through which we approach our world and our work. 

Graduates Prepared to Transform Systems


Hands-On, Experiential Learning Prioritized

The 社会 work major leverages experiential learning as a key component. All students complete two semesters of an internship in a 社会 service agency. 他们在大四的秋季和春季学期完成实地考察(每周16小时,为期14周)。. Students may choose to complete some of their internship hours in the summer.



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Admission to the major is required in the junior year. 要被录取,学生必须:

  1. Enroll in Social Work 326, completing all course prerequisites.
  2. 申请该项目,并在大三第一学期提交个人陈述和推荐信, before enrolling in Social Work 327. 如果作用于加速的B.S.W. M.S.W. program, a second letter of reference from a B.S.W. 教员是必需的.
  3. Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 at the college level and a minimum GPA of 2.67 in 300-level 社会 work courses. GPA保持在3分.0 is the minimal standard for the B.S.W. M.S.W.
  4. 具备专业社会工作实践所必需的个人素质, such as responsiveness and sensitivity in relationships, values compatible with the values of the 社会 work profession, the ability to understand and carry out the ethical obligations of a 社会 worker, 致力于改善社会条件和与他人共同发挥作用的能力. 如果作用于加速的B.S.W. M.S.W. program, students must demonstrate the ability to do graduate-level work.

Transfer students must also comply with these requirements. 有关申请程序的具体信息可以从指定的指导教师处获得, 解析:选B.S.W. 部门或其指定人员.


  1. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 at the college level and a minimum GPA of 2.67 in all 300-level 社会 work courses. 如果学生的GPA低于这些标准,他们将不被允许进入大四的实习(社会工作436).

请注意:学生在任何一门社会工作必修课程中获得F或在任何两门社会工作必修课程中获得C或以下的学生将被该专业开除. A copy of the Bachelor of Social Work Academic Standing Policy, 包括上诉程序, is distributed to students in the department.


Here we provide a course overview, 课程描述, plan of study and an 罗德州学术地图 for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years:

B.S.W. 课程概述

B.S.W. 学习计划




Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • engage in entry-level 社会 work practice that is informed by the best available evidence
  • use policy practice skills to create and influence change
  • apply 社会 work values and ethics to guide their professional practice
  • 了解文化、压迫和多元文化社会中人类多样性的影响
  • apply knowledge of human behavior and the 社会 environment to work with individuals, 组, 家庭, 组织和社区
  • work to achieve human rights and 社会 and 经济 justice



Why or in what ways is writing important to your discipline/field/profession?

Writing is an essential skill for 社会 workers. 专业能力取决于一个人有效沟通和/或客户及其需求的能力, 社区及其需要, policy priorities that are currently not being met and/or need to be met in different ways, and the ability to promote and advocate for justice.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? 为什么选这些课程?


SWRK 302:社会工作研究方法1在本课程中,学生将学习如何进行和撰写文献综述, an essential skill for producing and/or understanding research.

在这门课程中,学生将学习如何进行社会评估并撰写相应的报告. 另外, 学生将学习如何为客户文件做专业笔记,以及如何进行其他形式的专业写作,如推荐信和客户摘要.

学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? 为什么会有这些类型?

英语专业学生参与和练习的写作体裁或形式的范围太广,无法全部列出, 在很大程度上, on students’ chosen concentrations within the major. 说到这里, we offer a few examples of the writing students do in different concentrations below.

Students practice and hone their writing skills through reflective writing, 杂志写文章, 笔记, 以及学术写作. 这些体裁代表了学生将在专业工作环境中被要求进行的广泛的写作风格, 同时让学生有机会批判性地反思他们与工作和领域相关的想法和情感.

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

学生将参与教学实践课程,包括低风险和高风险的写作作业, 同伴反馈, 搭建作业, 以及在后续草稿中纳入同行和/或导师反馈的修订机会.

When they’ve satisfied your department’s WID requirement, what should students know and be able to do with writing?

Upon completion of the Social Work program, Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) graduates should be able to do the following:

  • accurately document professional practice in various practice settings
  • produce thorough and critical research documents
  • 创建并传播书面和口头报告给客户、同事和政策制定者
  • engage in critically self-reflective writing for the purpose of professional development


To be eligible for the BSW 程序 Departmental Honors program, a student:

  • 必须从项目中获得一名指导教师,并通知系主任这种商定的关系
  • 必须主修社会工作吗
  • must have completed a least four 300-level courses in the major
  • must have earned an overall GPA of 3.0分,平均绩点3分.主修25



符合条件的学生必须提交一份两到三页的提案,主题由学生和指导老师商定. The proposal should identify the topic of interest; current literature on the topic; methods; any theories that might be relevant; and a timeline of completion. 


大四秋季学期的提案截止日期为上一学年的4月15日. A proposal for the spring semester of the senior year is due November 1. The dates coincide with the deadline for independent or directed study.
